November 14, 2008

Anti-Adoption? Review of “The Adoption Mystique” by Joanne Wolf Small, MSW

  My article “Anti-Adoption Advocacy: How Should We Respond?” drew a wide variety of responses. The ones that gave me the greatest pause came from those I mentioned in the article as being against adoption, who wrote to protest.   According to co-founder/executive director of Bastard Nation (B/N) Marley Greiner, “We are concerned only about the civil right of all adult adoptees to receive their obcs [original birth certificates] upon request without government interference.”  (Ironically, the most heated attacks concerning the adoption/abortion issue came from members of his organization.)  However, her comments reminded me of the complexity of the issues surrounding adoption, and that to seek […]
November 12, 2008

Wee Cook Wednesday: Corn Spoon Bread

This moist and fluffy corn bread is a favorite at potlucks and casual family dinners. Tastes great with turkey, too! If your crew isn’t fond of Swiss cheese, cheddar works well, too! Kids enjoy mixing it together and sprinkling the cheese. I like eating the leftovers for lunch with clam chowder or tomato soup. Heidi’s Corn Spoon Bread 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1-8 oz can cream-style corn 1-8 oz can whole kernel corn, drained 1 C sour cream 1/2 C butter or margarine, melted 1 pkg Jiffy corn bread mix 1 C shredded Swiss or cheddar cheese Combine all the ingredients except the cheese. Mix well, spread […]
November 11, 2008

National Catholic Register: Melinda Selmys response

Yesterday’s posts at Catholic Exchange and Mommy Monsters, as might be expected, produced several heated responses as well as some useful information that I hope to include in future posts. However, there was one bit of information I received today — a letter in NCR from Melinda Selmys (dated 10/5/08) in response to the outrage her original article produced — that I wanted to share here: Response from Melinda Selmys: “I have had several letters from people who were angered by my column. Specifically, they were upset by my discussion of adoption, and by the claim that there is often lack of similarity between an adopted […]
November 11, 2008

One Voice of Adoption: A Grown Adoptee (Almost) Speaks

As a foster-adoptive parent, I naturally have strong views about adoption. And yet, I am the first to agree that adoption is not an easy fix. Each adoption has at least three sides: that of the birth/first parent, that of the adoptive parent, and that of the adoptee.  The circumstances that lead to adoption, the adoption itself, and the afteraffects of this choice are very different from one family to the next. In recent months I’ve become increasingly aware of the anti-adoption sentiment that is becoming increasingly common even in pro-life circles. Today at Catholic Exchange I have posted an article about this. Check it out. The trend I find […]
November 7, 2008

The Dress: A Thought

These past couple of days I’ve been having a private exchange with a friend — a Catholic convert and editor, like myself — who has shall we say a pointedly different perspective on the election.  Although I took exception to some of her comments, and in the end chose not to post them here (note my nifty new “comments” box in the sidebar), I decided to interpret her comments though the lens of friendship … and take what I could from them. Which brings me to the topic of this post: the dress. When I first saw what Mrs. Obama chose to wear on election […]
November 6, 2008

Outstanding International Adoption Websites

Today I found an international adoption website that I can’t refer specifically by name because they need to keep the blog private for the present due to the special circumstances related to their adoption. However, I wanted to share with my readers three sites that those who are seeking international adoption will find particularly helpful. I’ve saved them in the “International Adoption” blogroll. The first, “Informed Adoptions,” offers a wide variety of articles that are especially good for transracial adoption, particularly those from Guatemala. The second, “The Hague Convention Guide for Prospective Adoptive Parents” is a primer for those who want to better understand the changes […]
November 6, 2008

A Heart of Reverence

This morning “Catholic Exchange” is running one of my articles, called A Heart of Reverence. Whether the adoration is engendered within a marriage, or with God, many of the same elements apply: a wholehearted, intentional decision to offer all we are and have to another. It is our ability to enter in to this kind of intimacy and safety that gives us the strength we need to negotiate the other — scarier — relationships of life. Posted using ShareThis
November 5, 2008

Wee Cook Wednesday: Best-Ever Brownies

This recipe seemed particularly apt today … Those of us (myself among them) who are feeling down about last night, well the chocolate will boost that endorphin level!  And Governor Palin, if you’re reading this, know that this is one mother who still thinks you’re extraordinary, and if I had to do it all again I’d STILL vote for you!  I have a hard time finding the right words — it’s just too sad — so I’ll turn you to this lovely tribe I found, courtesy of Sarah Reinhard, by Carter Clews at This morning at “Aussie Coffee Shop,” Therese also offers some consoling […]