November 29, 2004

Advent 2004: Day 2

Today I was awakened by the sensation of a small child poking me in the eye and inquiring in a loud stage whisper: “Mommy, you awake?” Sadly, I was, after less than three hours of sleep, thanks to my paper writing procrastination skills. At least I got it done. In lieu of writing said paper, yesterday I made the first batch of fudge of the season. It’s my friend Kimberly’s recipe, which she taught me to make when we were both at what I affectionately call “the convent.” In reality, it was just a REALLY conservative Bible college. Kimberly was one of those girls that guys […]
November 29, 2004

Round One: The Fight Begins

One morning when you least expect it, you’ll look in the mirror and find it looking back at you. The phantasm bears a slight resemblance to your familiar self, except… Is it possible that your husband installed a trick mirror while you were dozing, just for kicks? This gal has… Eyes bloodshot from getting up every two hours with one toddler’s night terrors and the other’s asthma attacks. Stomach is rumbling from not eating a decent meal since… What is this? May? Throat is raw from screaming like a fishwife, just to hear yourself above the din. In the same set of sweats you’ve worn […]