February 21, 2022

Night Watch

UPDATE: This morning when Mom woke up, she was chipper and her chest pain was gone. So … declining, but not dying — that’s what the nurse says. Still, I’ll be glad when Dad and Kathy (and her daughter Kaitlyn) get here, and Father has a chance to bless her. The weight of the decisions of caregiving can be heavy, and God knows how fallible I am. As caregivers, we can only make the best decisions we know in the moment, ready to adjust as new information becomes available. Right? I had just pulled in from the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference and prepared dinner for […]
September 28, 2008

Rejoicing For Joyce: Good-bye, Farewell

Anyone who has ever lost a loved one too suddenly to say goodbye will related to Lionel’s anguish as he shares this moving tribute to this EM at Rejoicing For Joyce. When our time is not God’s time (as so often happens in life), it helps to recall that there is no time in heaven. Though there is nothing more that we can do with or for our loved one here on earth (apart from the funeral), because of the love we share in Christ we are never separated wholly from those we love. We can ask God to bring that precious soul gently to […]
August 7, 2008

When a Pet Dies: Letter from Heaven

My mother-in-law passed this on to me today. I warn you … it’s a tear-jerker. So go grab a tissue and a cup of tea, and settle in. This information might come in handy one day! (If anyone can help me with the original source, I’d be happy to post it.) Our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month.The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that […]