December 12, 2008

A Mother’s Silent Grief: Abortion

At “Behold Your Mother,”  Christine Trollinger recently published a story about the statue in her “Mary Garden” — and the woman who gave it to her.  She had aborted her child years before, and was still trying to come to terms with what had happened to her. Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patronness of the Americas. The Church celebrates the encounter between Mary, who appeared to a poor man named Juan Diego and gave him an impossible task: to persuade the bishop to build a chapel there. Filling his cape with roses, which had miraculously appeared by the roadside, Juan Diego […]
December 11, 2008

Young Mother Needs Miracle: Please Pray

Today Lorraine Hartsook sent me this message about a young mother in need of a Christmas miracle. Please join me in praying for her. My daughter has a classmate in Dental Hygiene who is around 30, and was  diagnosed with a brain tumor this past June. As of today this tumor is inoperable but there is one chance of a referral to a special lazer treatment in Winnipeg, Manitoba that may help prolong her life by shrinking this tumor, but she must qualify. (I’m not sure what this means) She is married, her husbands name is Brian and she has three children Nolan, Jada, Blake […]
December 8, 2008

Mighty Mom Monday: Crawfish Confessions

Here we are, celebrating Thanksgiving with the grandparents.  Each kiddo has a small helping of  meat, veggies, green bean casserole and crawfish dressing on their plate.   I keep trying to encourage the Gator-boy (age 3 1/2)  to try his food.    He’ll eat all the meat but nothing else!   I point out that crawfish is meat…..”NO!”   Wanna try some off Momma’s fork?….”NO!”   I’m gonna steal it if you don’t eat it….mmmm mmm…so good….here, you wanna bite?  … “NO!”   OK, fine, I give up. Eat the meat, leave the rest, at least you’re quiet and happy and not starting a food fight in Mimi’s formal […]
December 6, 2008

Quilts of Valor: Cover a Soldier in Thanks!

Do you like to quilt? “Mighty Mom” passed this link to “Quilts of Valor” on to me today … It’s a great way to honor our wounded war veterans for their sacrifice. The founder of “Quilts of Valor,” Mr. Melvin Lee, a WWII USMC veteran, passed away November 17 of this year. My oldest nephew, Ryan, will be deployed to Iraq next week. Please keep him in your prayers.  When my mother realized what a hard time Chris (Ryan’s mom) was having as his departure approached, she had Chris send her a dozen of Ryan’s t-shirts, and is piecing them into a mini-quilt to wrap around her […]
December 5, 2008

An Adoptive Mother’s Story: Guest Post from Mighty Mom

Editor’s Note:  I was about ten when my mother led my Brownie troop on a trail-marking expedition in High Point State Park (NJ). Nearly twenty of us, along with three adults, divided into three groups: One to mark the trail, one to follow it, and one to clear away the markings as they followed the second group. My mother led the first group along the path, on what was supposed to be a two-hour hike; we were to wind up back at the parked cars that held our post-hike refreshments.  Instead, Mom took a wrong turn, and led our troop several miles up the Appalachian Trail (which […]
December 5, 2008

Heidi on “Catholic Moments” podcast

Today Lisa posted our interview at Catholic Moments … here’s the link! Please add Lisa to your prayer list … she was recently diagnosed with cancer (see prayer requests on right).
December 4, 2008

Sneak Preview: An Adoption Story

NOTE: I am making edits on an article on Catholic Exchange, which I hope will run next week. In the meantime, I thought it prudent to offer a bit more information on my own background, as well as clarify my position on some aspects of the “front end” of adoption. I also wanted to take this opportunity to direct my regular readers to an important resource for women in crisis pregnancies and those considering open adoption, a book entitled “Because I Loved You,” which I have reviewed at the end of this article. I would like to thank Patricia Dischler and others who have taken time to help me “fill in the […]
December 3, 2008

On “Mutual Consent” and My Comments Policy

In case you were working under the impression that I only post comments that are sympathetic to my point of view, I’d like to direct you over to “Mommy Monsters.” While this is one of the more extreme examples of comments I’ve received in the past few weeks, it is by no means the only example of bloggers who use the shield of privacy (ironic, huh?) to attack and demean. It is also a good example of why I am DONE talking about the sealed/amended/open records issue for the foreseeable future on this blog. I think I’ll go write another song about my puppy now.
December 3, 2008

Washington March for Down Syndrome 1/22

KIDS (Keep Infants with Down Syndrome) For Immediate Release FAMILES WHO HAVE CHILDREN WITH DOWN SYNDROME TO MARCH TOGETHER IN THE 2009 MARCH FOR LIFE in D.C. TO RAISE AWARENESS ABOUT THE HIGH INCIDENCE OF ABORTING BABIES WITH DOWN SYNDROME     Leticia Velasquez and Eileen Haupt, two mothers who each have a daughter with Down syndrome are organizing a group of families who have children with Down syndrome to march together in the 2009 March for Life in Washington, D.C.  We are calling our endeavor KIDS (Keep Infants with Down Syndrome) to raise awareness about the 90% abortion rate of babies with Down syndrome […]