April 7, 2009

EMN Mailbag: Adoptive Mom of Romanian Special Needs Child Seeks Support

Hello, I am Lori Lesko, mom to Michael Marius Lesko, 10, whom we adopted from Romania in 2000. Our son has been diagnosed with autism and verbal apraxia so we have had our share of ups and downs. I am interested in keeping touch with other parents of kids from international adoptions, and would like to get your email and be allowed to post comments. Thank you, Lori Lesko Mom of Michael You can contact Lori through her e-mail: mike.lesco@sbcglobal.net.
April 1, 2009

Prayer Request from Cheryl Dickow, Bezelel Books

One of our Bezalel authors has asked for prayers Deacon Pat Hayes, author of Top Ten Ways to Build a Wonderful Marriage, has had both a career and health setback. Deacon lost his job about the same time he was told he had a form of bone cancer. Although told this was a treatable form of the illness, along with his job loss, you can imagine what Deacon is going through and how necessary your prayers are for him and his family at this point in time. Deacon has been a blessing to me, helping me write an article for TCW as well as just […]
March 30, 2009

Miracle Mondays: “Writing Your Tragedy…” Guest Post by Jane Lebak

When we think of “miracles,” most often we think of a happy ending to a personal challenge — a prayer answered, or an unexpected divine intervention. And yet, as C.S. Lewis would say, “God shouts to us in our pain.” He does indeed answer our prayers, but His answer isn’t always “Yes.” Sometimes it’s yes; sometimes it’s no; sometimes it’s, “Wait.” As mothers, the waiting can become unbearable. Craig and I waited for three years, for example, for our children to become available for adoption. Three years of not knowing whether they would go back to their first parents. Three years of waiting to see whether […]
March 29, 2009

EMN Mailbag: “How soon should my sister adopt another sibling group?”

Dear Heidi: My sister in law and her husband have adopted two very sweet boys, 3 and 6. She is doing a great job, though they both need to grow as parents. She is wanting to accept another sibling group over the summer to achieve her great desire for a large family to love. My husband think that’s to soon and too many needs to attend to. (We always feel that our children need us so much but see how the olders help in giving of themselves. And we have them under our care 24/7.) Can a home full of adopted children get their needs […]
March 25, 2009

EMN Mailbag: “Raising Up Mommy” for Lent!

Are you looking for a book for a study group or book group? Here’s a letter from one group of ladies who are working their way through my book Raising Up Mommy for Lent! If you order six or more copies, I toss in a free video to kick off your study. To order, just go to my website. God bless you!
March 23, 2009

Miracle Mondays: “Paper Sack Kids” by Brenda K.

Last November “Grandma K” got in touch with me regarding my “Best Books for Foster and Adoptive Families” at “Mommy Monsters.” She had a book she thought my readers might enjoy, called Paper Sack Kids. It tells the stories of some of the kids who have come through the home of her sister Diane, who with her husband Rex have touched the lives of foster children for more than thirty years. In one fell swoop, the gray-haired woman opened her door, the passenger door behind her, and the trunk lid. There were no “hellos,” “sure is warm out, isn’t it?” nor any mention of how cute the new batch of […]
March 20, 2009

Weekend Ponderings: Let Your Life Shine!

From this weekend’s Gospel reading (John 3:14-21). “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come toward the light, so that his works might not be exposed. But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.” While he was on earth, Jesus declared himself to be “the way, the truth and the life.” And yet so often, even as Christians, we make our own way, define our […]