August 18, 2009

The Adventures of Glitter Girl!

Today over at “Domestic Church” I’m guest posting for Donna Marie’s “Back to School Week.” Head on over and check out “Adventures of Glitter Girl”!
August 14, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request: Autistic Child Missing

Please join me in prayers for the safe return of Mary Ellen’s autistic son, Ryan Barrett, who was separated from his father during a camping trip. Let your mercy be on this family, O God, as they place their trust in you! Update: Ryan’s body was found earlier today (Friday). Please pray for Mary Ellen and her entire family as they grieve the loss of their teenage son.
August 6, 2009

Goree Island: Twenty-five years later . . .

On Thursday at my talk for the Catholic Writers’ Conference, I’m opening with an illustration about the year I spent in Senegal, West Africa teaching ESL at Dakar Academy. In my spare time, I played in a band — a church worship team (I was Protestant at the time), playing keyboards for a group of college students from University of Dakar, most of whom spoke very little English. (They did, however, speak more English than I spoke French.) On weekends everyone piled into an old yellow VW van and go on excursions around the area. One unforgettable visit was to Goree Island, and the Slave House built by the Dutch […]
July 31, 2009

Weekend Ponderings: Life (and death) of young, vibrant Catholic girl inspires many to come back to the Church

Gloria Strauss was just 13 when she died of cancer. This young, vibrant Catholic has inspired many to come back to the Church. This story touched me because of how her cancer was discovered, very much the same way — and at the same age — my sister’s bone cancer was found. In Chris’ case, a horse kick make her knee swell to the size of a grapefruit (which is big, on a seven-year-old). The first doctor said it was a crushed bone … a few weeks later, they found the tumor. Chris survived, and went on to have two beautiful children (one of whom […]
July 29, 2009

St. Martha of Bethany: Happy Feasting!

Would you like to hear Heidi’s talk on “Kresta in the Afternoon” from the feast of St. Martha? Just click on this link!  St. Martha of Bethany has always held a special fascination for me — especially since I came across this beautiful image created by the Carmelite Sisters of Reno, who make some of the most beautiful greeting cards I’ve ever seen.  (If you are in the market for notecards, please head over to their website and purchase a few — this one was just eighty cents!) This afternoon at 3:20 EST, Al Kresta has invited me to come over to the studio and […]
July 28, 2009

Miracle Monday: Choosing Patience

I realize that Monday has now come and gone, but when I read Jennifer’s post today at “Conversion Diary” I just had to put a link to it here. The very fact that she — a mother with several young children — decided to open her home to a child in need of a family like this inspires me. That she used it as an opportunity to grow in virtue . . . Wow! If you’re in need of a little inspiration today, feeling unsure of how you’re going to get through the day without blowing a gasket, just head on over to “Conversion Diary” […]
July 22, 2009

Miracle Monday: Butterfly Circus!

I missed yesterday’s “Miracle Monday” post … or, I should say, it arrived in my box just a little late this week! Today I received a link to this video about a movie that is currently in production called “Butterfly Circus.” Nick Vujicic is a man who was born without arms or legs . . . but with tremendous spirit! If you need a lift today, be sure to check it out. (And if you can help them finance this life-affirming movie, please do!) Click here for more info about Nick and “Life Without Limbs.”
July 22, 2009

When “Sad Monster” Attacks

Today at “Faith and Family Live” an EM named Christine Robinson wrote of her special-needs son, Nathan, who has RAD (reactive-attachment disorder). They’ve had him since he was fifteen months of age, and recently she was told their son may never improve. She wrote a heartfelt post about her “deep sadness,” a sadness to which many EMs in difficult adoption transitions can relate. Will he always resist my efforts to be affectionate? Will she always be such a non-stop ball of chaotic resistance? And (here’s the real point) how am I going to survive it? Let me reiterate something I said to Christine: “You are […]
July 10, 2009

“The Adoptive Mom” Sally Bachetta

Today I came across a new adoptive parent blog you might like to know about … today Sally Bachetta responds to a WSJ article about the “benefits” of adoption. You might want to check it out!