May 25, 2010

“Handle with Care” — The Language of Loss and Family

This week I’m savoring Jodi Picoult’s latest novel about an autistic teenager, “House Rules.” I’m looking forward to reviewing that one in an upcoming post; in the meantime, I wanted to re-post my review of “Handle with Care,” which I recently ran on CatholicExchange, as my readers have had trouble accessing the link. (Warning: Review contains some spoilers.) In her most recent novel, Handle with Care, Jodi Picoult explores the intimate sufferings of family life, and brings into sharp focus the unique challenges of parenting a special-needs child. It also engages the reader with questions both timely and perennial: “Is all life worth living –and […]
August 31, 2009

Miracle Monday: “Aren’t I Beautiful?”

Today I stumbled on this story from columnist Joe Orso (LaCrosse Tribune), who talks about a teacher who finds a naked kindergarten child with Down Syndrome in a school bathroom . . . and who still remembers the inspiring encounter years later. I thought I’d pass along the joy! Click here: share Posted using ShareThis
December 2, 2008

Adoption “Unnatural”?

Hey, Al … Where’s Heidi? If you got my newsletter today, and tuned in to “Kresta in the Afternoon” wondering where I am … tune in again on Thursday! We’ll be having a lively discussion about EMN and adoption at 3:00 EST. Don’t have Catholic radio in your neighborhood? Just listen in by computer by clicking here! This afternoon I was also on Lisa Hendey’s “Catholic Moments” podcast. Right after the podcast, Lisa was leaving to attend the funeral of an eighteen-year-old boy, Russell, who was in a skateboarding accident last year, and finally succumbed to his injuries. Please pray for the soul of this young […]
November 17, 2008

Amazing Mom Monday: Andrea Roberts at “Reeces Rainbow”

“Mighty Mom” Sarah is taking a break … and so, I’ve decided to use this space to tell you about some other Extraordinary Moms!  “Mighty Mom Monday” is now “Amazing Mom Monday.” “Atlanta mother Andrea Roberts has helped arrange more than 100 international adoptions in two years. Her Web site,, focuses on children with Down syndrome, listing page after page of toddlers from Serbia, Ukraine and other countries where children with mental disabilities are often put in orphanages or mental hospitals. ” Thanks to Barb Curtis, who sent me a link to this story in “The Washington Post” about Andrea and other women who are working to make a difference in the […]
October 29, 2008

First the IEP … Then What?

Today I stumbled on this “Hands and Voices” article by Karen Putz about what you need to do after your child’s IEP (Individualized Education Plan) is drawn up. “It’s time to bring out the bottle of champagne, right? Not quite! In effect, your work has just begun.” Written from the perspective of a deaf parent of a dead/hard-of-hearing child, the information is easily applied to children with other challenges. In a nutshell: Implementation is as important as preparation.  Check out Karen’t blog “A Deaf Mom Shares Her World.”
October 28, 2008

Sweet-Smelling Tushies … and Other Small Miracles

I’d like to introduce you to Deborah Nicherson at Pipecleaner Dreams.  This single mother of four special needs kids became an overnight hero to one special needs family when she gave away a BidetSpa toilet seat on her contest at “Five Minutes for Special Needs.” Of course, in a very real way, Deborah was already a hero. At “Disaboom,” Karen Putz tells the story of Deborah’s battle with her daughter’s school  to give her daughter the year-round schooling she desperately needed. What I loved most about the toilet set story is that it reminds us all of an important principle of special needs parenting: You gotta stick together. In this case, one special mom was […]
October 17, 2008

When Moms Fail

Today Catholic Exchange is running my article about the Utah woman who was sentenced to 15 years for killing her adopted son. Although not all adoptive mothers experience depression, there are many of us who have (or do). If you have a history of depression and are considering foster care or adoption, this article may be for you.
September 23, 2008

Urgent prayer request

I just received word that Bruno de Solenni, brother of Pia (de Solenni) Conway was killed last Saturday in Afghanistan. The details are here. A letter from Bruno, published today and written September 11, 2008, may be read here. Please pray for Pia and her family as they begin to process this incredible loss. Thank you.
September 20, 2008

What Military Families Wished You Knew: Guest Post from “Pops”

I’d like to welcome a friend of Mighty Mom’s, “Pops,” who generously responded to my call for an article about military families. As you can see, Pops is abundantly qualified to write on the subject … and I am so grateful to give EMN the benefit of his expertise! Hi,  they call me Pops,    I must thank Heidi for giving me the honor and privilege of posting on the Extraordinary Mom’s Network.  I would like to take a moment to tell you about me and my family.  I am the son of a World War II veteran who is the son of a World […]