September 3, 2021

#PrayerStories: How My (Then) Foster Son Changed the Way I Pray

Every night, it was the same: I’d tuck him in bed and make sure St. Michael was on his bedside table, then I’d go and tuck in the others. About 30 minutes later, I’d peek back in his room, and hear him crying. So I’d go and settle into the white enamel rocker in the corner and begin to hum his favorites (he was partial to Barry Manilow). And soon, very soon, I’d feel a little pat on my lap. It was time to cuddle! Read all about it today at  #PrayerStories #FosterParenting #BedtimeDrama
May 25, 2008


In her post “Scarred for Life,” Antique Mommy Tina shares with the world (via Good Housekeeping magazine, you go girl!) the reason why, in her own words, “You can keep your Mederma, I like my scars. They tell the story of who I am….” Today, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, I had an opportunity to reflect on the significance of such scars in my own life … and in that of my children. It has been three years since we celebrated Christopher and Sarah’s baptism (the adoption papers were actually finalized in August, but we celebrate their baptism day as the day they officially […]
May 9, 2008

Day in the Life of a Foster Mom

This is my final installment in the series about Come Be My Light, on the spiritual motherhood of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta and why she is the perfect patronness of adoptive and foster families. The final point that I took from this book was the idea that we need to be prudent in deciding what we are — and are not — able to do to meet the overwhelming need around us. When our kids came to us (initially with their older sister) we learned the hard way that there was only so much that we could do. It broke our hearts when we […]