December 8, 2008

Mighty Mom Monday: Crawfish Confessions

Here we are, celebrating Thanksgiving with the grandparents.  Each kiddo has a small helping of  meat, veggies, green bean casserole and crawfish dressing on their plate.   I keep trying to encourage the Gator-boy (age 3 1/2)  to try his food.    He’ll eat all the meat but nothing else!   I point out that crawfish is meat…..”NO!”   Wanna try some off Momma’s fork?….”NO!”   I’m gonna steal it if you don’t eat it….mmmm mmm…so good….here, you wanna bite?  … “NO!”   OK, fine, I give up. Eat the meat, leave the rest, at least you’re quiet and happy and not starting a food fight in Mimi’s formal […]
December 1, 2008

Mighty Mom Monday: Giving Thanks…

Mighty Mom is back, feeling very thankful … As we enter the Advent season, let’s join her in a moment of giving thanks. (I’m especially thankful that the holiday weekend is over and the kids are back in school!) Ferris Bueller said, “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” So, what has Mightymom been doing for the last two weeks while she wasn’t writing Mighty Mom Monday posts? Cue the music! Sing along with me folks, the tune is “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”… There was retching and puking and cleaning the carpets. washing the […]
October 17, 2008

Funny Friday: Dog Gone!

If you’re in need of a little chuckle today, I’d like to direct you over to my book website, where my husband recently posted this ecumenical rib-tickler. (Note, the cartoon has several frames … you have to wait for it.) Thanks, Deb Richardson, for sending it my way!
October 1, 2008

Weird Mom Moments: EMN Mini-Carnival

Congratulations to Kate Sherwin at “Rosemary Sauce.” Her entry, “Like Mother, Like Son” was this month’s winner of the “Weird Mom Moments” Carnival Contest! Kate won $50, since she had the EMN button prominently displayed on her site! Good work, Kate! Every mom must have them at one time or another … the moments she looks down at herself and say, “What have I DONE to myself?!” I know I have, as my daughter reminded me only recently. “Don’t be weird, mom…” I can’t help it. I was born and raised that way … by a woman who clearly did not mind appearing ridiculous for the benefit of […]
September 29, 2008

Mighty Mom Monday: “Potty Training 101-102”

This classic post is from “My Wonderful Life” . For those who just can’t get enough, here’s installment #3!(June 2007). Thanks, Sarah! OK, here we are halfway through the summer. I had 2 goals for this summer back in May. 1) Get Alligator’s fingers OUT OF THAT MOUTH. 2) Potty train Sonshine. Apparently, God laughed and laughed when I told Him these goals. I’ve given up on Gator-Boy for now. He started cutting those 2-year molars and, to tell the truth, it just wasn’t worth the fight. Sonshine, however, I am working with. So far he’s decided he wants to spend every waking moment in the […]
September 22, 2008

Mighty Mom Monday: A Day in My Life

Today for “Mighty Mom Monday” we’re going to send you over to Sarah’s  site, aptly called “My Wonderful Life.” This post, written almost one year ago today, is an important reminder of how much things can change in a very short time! (Something that can be a tremendous source of encouragement when life gets hard.) A week or so after I (Heidi) got our kids, I jotted down my own “classic post” called “Day in the Life of a Foster Mom.” Reading it again, I laugh. At the time, it was all I could do not to cry. (You’ve been there too, I’m sure.) Keep […]
September 15, 2008

Mighty Mom Monday: “You Might Be A Mommy…”

Mighty Mom (with a nod to Jeff Foxworthy) would like to encourage you today with this tribute to Extraordinary Moms everywhere. Sometimes knowing you’ve got company in the ol’ boat makes it that much easier to pull. Thanks, Sarah! If you have to make an intentional effort to take a shower at least every 48 hours … you MIGHT be a Mommy. If you go out for a dinner alone with your husband, hear a kid scream and have to look over just to make sure it isn’t one of yours … you MIGHT be a Mommy. If you no longer put “laundry” on your […]