August 17, 2008

Should I Try IVF or Surrogacy?

By our very nature, women are called by God to nurture new life. Children are true “gifts,” the fruit of total self-giving, sown in the protected arbor of married love. When children are conceived in this way, we become co-creators with God – a human reflection of divine love that is the Trinity. So then, what is a couple to do when, after giving of themselves as generously and totally as they know how, they still do not conceive?
August 16, 2008

Prayer for Couples Who Want to Adopt

The “Our Father” — the most basic prayer Jesus taught His followers — is an prayer that is especially appropriate for prospective adoptive parents. After all, we became God’s children through adoption … He understands a heart that yearns to connect, arms that ache to embrace.
August 12, 2008

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

From Dawn Davenport, adoption expert and founder of “Creating a Family”: Hi all. Tomorrow’s Creating a Family show, Aug.13, will be on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and my guest will be Dr. Marcelle Cedars, director of the University of California at San Francisco Center for Reproductive Health.  Dr. Cedars specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of PCOS.  As always, the show is live from 12-1 Eastern Time, but you can listen to it anytime after it airs at the radio page of (click on radio page, then click on the play button) or download it as a free podcast from iTunes.  You can call in […]
July 23, 2008

Be Not Afraid

Today at, Mark Shea answers the question, “What would you do if your unborn child received a poor diagnosis, such that you knew he or she would not survive for long?” If you or someone you know is struggling with this issue, you may like to know about a special online ministry to grieving parents called “Be Not” With compassion and courage, parents of “imperfect” children share their experiences with others, and affirm the reality that every child is a gift from God, no matter how long that child is in our arms. This is something worth considering for parents who are seriously […]
July 20, 2008

Adoption: Is It God’s Natural Plan?

This week I will be posting reflections themed in honor of the 40th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, which we began yesterday here. In marriage we are called to imitate the self-giving, fruitful love of God in a lifelong union marked by charity and fidelity. Marriage was created by God for a dual purpose, which is described in paragraph 8 of the document: “Marriage, then, is far from being the effect of chance or the result of the blind evolution of natural forces. It is in reality the wise and provident institution of God the Creator, whose purpose was to effect in man His loving design. […]
July 18, 2008

Foster Care by State

Today I came across this useful state-by-state guide, compiled by foster care and adoption expert Carrie Craft. Carrie has a wealth of information for parents who are considering foster care or foster-adoption. If you have ever considered opening your home to one of the 500,000 children in the U.S. in need of temporary or permanent homes, this is a great place to start!
July 7, 2008

When God says, “NEXT!”

Exciting news!  As of today, Behold Your Mother is available with a beautiful new cover, courtesy of my publisher Cheryl Dickow. Cheryl is in the process of putting together the Spanish edition (Contempla a tu Madre), which will be available this fall. The English edition now also includes pages where you can write your own Mary meditations. Fun, huh? Ah, yes …. Changes can be a very good thing. Today I sent out the first CMN newsletter, in which I recount a time in my life when I sensed God was moving me on to something else … but I didn’t know just what. I’m in that place […]
July 3, 2008

Same-Sex Parenting: A Preferred Alternative?

“Thirty Days,” a television series on FX, recently ran a program entitled “Same Sex Parenting.” The program was about “Tom and Dennis,” a homosexual couple from my neighborhood who foster-adopted four boys, and “Kati,” a Mormon woman from California who was herself both an adoptee and adoptive parent. Kati moved into Tom and Dennis’ home for thirty days, while they attempted to persuade her to change her conviction that gay and lesbian couples should not be allowed to foster or adopt children. (She kept referring to this alternately as her “belief” and “opinion.”) The persuasion took a variety of forms, including … Dinnertime confrontations: “Are […]