The 40-Day Marriage Adventure

The 40-Day Marriage Adventure is a series of reflections anchored by the Prayer of Abandonment. The reflections can be done over the course of any forty days; they are not Lent-specific.

You can offer the Prayer of Abandonment on your own (the original prayer) or with your spouse (A Couple’s Prayer of Surrender). I include both versions of the prayer at the end of this section, and I encourage you to copy the one you like best and put it someplace where you can pray it throughout the day—perhaps on your medicine cabinet, on your car visor, or over the kitchen sink. Or if you feel brave, you might put it next to a picture of your sweetheart on your desk.

Throughout these forty days, try to pray the prayer at least once each day on your own and as a couple (perhaps before bed) and to entrust your marriage to the hands of the One who brought you together in the first place. Tell him what you need. Tell him what you dread. Tell him what you hope.

As you follow this forty-day adventure, invite God to do a new work in your marriage. The One who loves the two of you will not abandon you to your weaknesses and pain. Expect him to answer your prayer. You won’t be disappointed.

Simply fill out the form below to get started on your adventure!