Order in April 1, 2024 at Our Sunday Visitor
Are you looking for miracle? Well, look no farther!
Stories of the Eucharist is sure to become a family favorite as you cuddle up and read together about forty of the most amazing stories about all the ways Jesus has touched the lives of saints and seekers alike through the Eucharist.
When I first heard what the Catholic Church believes about the Eucharist — that it is the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to be with us “until the end of the age” (see Mt 28:20), I knew I needed that in my life. (I tell the full story in the introduction of the book.) As time went on, I had the joy of experiencing the miracle of the Eucharist with my children, and ultimately with my mother, who became Catholic late in life.
It wasn’t long after I was confirmed that I began to hear strange stories about “Eucharistic miracles” involving bones and blood and scientific experimentation and verification. I don’t doubt that these things truly happen (God can do anything he wants, and I’ve seen in my own life how he goes to extraordinary lengths to meet his most stubborn children where they are). And yet the miracles that impressed me most were of the lives transformed by encountering Jesus in his Eucharistic presence. That was what I wanted to write about! Stories about …
* St. Anthony, who persuaded a stubborn skeptic to believe … through his donkey!
* St. Clare of Assisi, who fended off a fearful mercenary hoard with the light of Christ.
* St. Rose of Lima, who protected her people from a fleet of Dutch pirates.
* The miracle of the “bottomless ciborium” of St. John Bosco
* The miracle at Tumaco that saved a whole community from destruction.
* Lots of other stories of your favorite “Eucharistic saints” like Blessed Carlo Acutis, St. Josephine Bakhita, St. Andrew Kim Taegon, and many more!
So … if you are looking for a family-friendly reading adventure in this, the year of the Eucharistic Revival, please pick up a copy of “Stories of the Eucharist.” And God bless you!