Praying Across America
Past Events:
Oct 26, 2021:
Our Lady of Gostyn Holy Hour
(Downer’s Grove, IL) VIEW »
Dec 3, 2021:
Queen of Peace Advent Holy Hour
(Mishawaka, IN) VIEW »
2022 Schedule
March 10: St. Thomas More (Pottstown, PA)
March 16: St. Philip Parish (Franklin, TN)
March 22: Mobile, Alabama
April: Texas
April: Arizona/Utah
April: California
May: Boston (TBD)
Want to get started?
Use the form below
to send a message today.
#PrayAcrossAmerica Programs
Pray Across America: An Evening with the Seven Sorrows.
This would be a guided eucharistic reflection (exposition, benediction with music) on the seven sorrows of Mary:
- The Prophecy of Simeon (Lk 2:34-35) – The gift of God’s prophetic word in your life (to lead us to wisdom).
- Mary flees to Egypt (Mt 2:13-18) – The gift of God’s provision in frightening times (to lead us to contentment).
- Mary and Joseph seek Jesus in the Temple (Lk 2:41-51) – The gift of the “dark night” (to lead us to light).
- Mary meets Jesus on Via Dolorosa (Lk 23:27) – The gift of shared suffering (to lead us to compassion).
- Mary stands beneath the cross (Jn 19:18-27) – The gift of helplessness (to lead us from self-will to surrender).
- Mary receives the body of Jesus (Mk 15:43-46) – The gift of sorrow (that makes us long for heaven).
- Mary witnesses the burial of Jesus (Jn 19:41-42) – The gift of remembering (that leads us to hope).
Pray Across America: #This Is My Story (A Writer’s Mini-Retreat)
- Pray Across America Rosary (pray for our families, our communities, our Church, our country, our world).
- A one-day event to help you learn about the publishing process and find out how to write a book! Potential talks include: “Writing Your #PrayerStory” – a guided meditation about milestones in your life, and what God has taught you through them; “Does God Want Me to Write a Book?”—talk with small group or open discussion about how to hone your message and find your audience; and “Writing a Proposal”—tips for studying market, building an audience, meeting felt need, networking, fine-tuning your message. Includes “The Seven Second Test” to get your proposal to rise to the top of the slush pile.
- Time for individual consultations or individual work.
- Spend time with other writers to continue networking!
Here are some details to help you plan:
- Are you interested in a two-hour holy hour event? Choose a day (midweek is fine!) and location (parish, home, or other space), and contact Heidi Saxton (734-634-5980, to get on the calendar. If you would like to include Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, be sure to clear that with your pastor. Sample holy hours are an Advent event here and “This Is My Story” here.
- Would you like a half-day Saturday retreat? (Typically 9-12 noon or 1-4 p.m.) If your parish has a Saturday morning Mass, this event can be timed to follow it, if you wish. Event includes light refreshments, a series of #PrayerStory talks, small group sharings, praise and worship music, and shopping from book tables. You might also wish to include the “PrayAcrossAmerica” Rosary, with decades offered for the needs of ourselves, our friends and family, our parish, our Church, and our country.
- You don’t need to do this alone! Ask parish ministries or friends to help you create a “hosting committee,” with each person to be responsible for hosting a table (inviting enough to fill the table) and providing refreshments to share with the group.
- Consider inviting your local Catholic bookstore or parish store to set up a table – or we can also set up a table to sell and sign books, as appropriate.
- Want to pre-order copies of The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers? Contact Kay Luther ( Let her know it is for a “PrayAcrossAmerica” event with Heidi Saxton – if you let her know by Feb 22, Heidi can bring the books with her, so you don’t need to pay shipping!
- Need a piano in the meeting space? Heidi and Craig travel with an electronic keyboard and small sound system/projector for events with limited seating.
- Heidi does have a letter of good standing with her pastor, Fr. John Eze, if your pastor would like a copy of it.
What does it cost?
That is up to you. The purpose of #PrayAcrossAmerica is to encourage Catholic women, especially moms (babies in arms welcome) who need to renew their faith and their connection to others in their parish. Because we are traveling by RV, we won’t need to be reimbursed for airfare or hotel. However, we will have travel expenses, and so a small honorarium or free-will offering is appreciated. We accept Venmo donations as well as checks payable to Heidi Hess Saxton (@Heidi-Saxton-4). We do not charge a set “speaker’s fee,” though we would love it if your parish would purchase prayer books and other resources, either from us or directly from!
Hosting Responsibilities:
- Obtain permission to use worship space and set up afternoon before event, to do sound check. (If there is no piano and functioning sound system/projector, please let Heidi know in advance).
- Finalize date, location, and other logistics with Heidi at least three weeks in advance Let her know what you will need from Ave to promote event.
- Recruit “event committee” to help with invitations, registration (if needed), promotion, decorations, refreshments, and clean up. It is up to you to decide whether to charge entrance fee – if so, please consider including a copy of the prayer book in entrance fee.
- Promote the event through local bulletins, radio, and other local parishes.
- Invite local bookstore owner, if possible, to set up a book table. A second table should be set up for the prayer book and ancillary items.
- Refreshments (if desired) – “pot luck” is a great option to keep costs down!
- A secure place to park the “PrayAcrossAmerica” RV (and plug in electricity overnight).
- Make Heidi smile with a cold can of Diet Coke when she arrives! (Craig prefers Diet Pepsi. We love him anyway.) 😊
Ready to get it on the calendar?
Please talk to your pastor and other contributors in your area and decide which date(s) and time(s) work best for you. Then please arrange a Zoom call with Heidi so we can work out the details!
Let’s keep praying that God will start working in the hearts of all those who will be a part of these events!
Heidi Saxton, Editor
The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Mothers and Host of “Pray Across America”
(734) 634-5980