Praying Across America
Past Events:
Oct 26, 2021:
Our Lady of Gostyn Holy Hour
(Downer’s Grove, IL) VIEW »
Dec 3, 2021:
Queen of Peace Advent Holy Hour
(Mishawaka, IN) VIEW »
2022 Schedule
March 7: St. Martin of Tours (Gaithersburg, MD)
‘March 9: St. Thomas More (Pottstown, PA)
March 14: St. Philip Parish (Franklin, TN) – wine and cheese fellowship with Mom’s Ministries at 7 p.m.
March 15: St. Mary’s Bookstore “Writer’s Night” (Nashville)
March 16: St. Philip – Guided Holy Hour (Sorrows of Mary)
March 22: St. Ignatius Parish (Mobile, Alabama) 8 a.m. to noon.
April events pending – if our RV gets fixed, the tour continues!
May: Boston (TBD)

Thanks for your interest in a #PrayAcrossAmerica mini retreats!
When I began to develop “The Ave Prayer Book for Catholic Moms”, inviting more than 70 of my favorite Catholic moms to share their favorite prayer or prayer story, I had no idea at that time what a beautiful work of the Holy Spirit this would become. So many women wanted to share their story of what God has done in their lives, and how prayer has given them the strength and courage they needed to face so many of life’s challenges. I realized that there are many who need to hear that message – and who need this book as well!
So … my husband Craig and I decided to begin our adventure, traveling around the country in our RV, sharing guided holy hours and writer’s retreats wherever we are invited. Perhaps your parish would like a guided holy hour with music, or a one-day mini writer’s retreat, or a talk on “praying through the chapters of motherhood” for your mother’s group?
These events are low-cost, spiritually enriching events to encourage women to use their spiritual gifts, and to be encouraged by other women in their community. If you would like more information, contact Heidi Saxton at or (734) 634-5980.